Latin America and integration with the Pacific Ocean Basin: Bases of Chile's strategic and economic presence.


  • ALFREDO SANCHEZ Universidad de Concepción


Pacific Ocean Basin, Chilean economy, free market economy, Latin America


The case of Chile is an example of an economy that moved from a model strongly oriented towards the domestic market to an open market economy, and that appears as a process to be followed by most third world countries, particularly Latin American countries.

The possibility of identifying this new phase of the use of the Free Market model in Latin America seems to correspond to the 1980s, when the success of the East Asian countries became generalized. 


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Author Biography

ALFREDO SANCHEZ, Universidad de Concepción

Universidad de Concepción

Universidad de Santiago


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How to Cite

SANCHEZ, A. . (2021). Latin America and integration with the Pacific Ocean Basin: Bases of Chile’s strategic and economic presence. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 195–205. Retrieved from


