Ecology, its alternatives and the conception of Max Sorre


  • MARIANO ZAMORANO Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Ecology, Max Sorre, Human geography, Environment


This article insists, because of its enormous clarifying value, on the contributions of the French geographer Max Sorre, in the middle of this century, on the relationship between human geography and ecology. His concepts are linked to a highly topical subject - the environment - and its concomitances with the natural and the social.


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Author Biography

MARIANO ZAMORANO, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Doctor en Geografía. Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo ,Mendoza -(República Argentina)


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How to Cite

ZAMORANO, M. (1996). Ecology, its alternatives and the conception of Max Sorre. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (23), 69–73. Retrieved from




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