Evolution and characterization of the Chilean urban system in the inter-census period, 1982-1992
Urban system, intercensal period, growth rate, cities, ChileAbstract
This study analyzes the national urban system during the 1982-1992 intercensal period, with the main objective of characterizing the evolution and differentiation of the system according to the size and growth rate of the cities. The cities considered in this work are a representative sample of the population living in urban areas, since they correspond to 76.1% of the country's population and 0191.1% of its urban population. The analysis was carried out in cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, considering methodologically as a single unit those cities that reached, as a result of their horizontal growth, the process of urbanization. A total of 96 cities were studied, allowing the results to show the evolution of the national urban system in the last intercensus.
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