Metropolitan land use planning and metropolitan agriculture. Reflections applicable to the Latin American case




Land management, metropolitan agriculture, planning, Latin America


n the context of the remarkable urban expansion taking place in large Latin American cities, metropolitan agricultural areas have generally been considered as "empty", "rural land", "expansion zones", from the point of view of planning and land use. This article, based on a review of the approaches applied to the subject, presents a set of reflections on the potential and interest of these spaces, which could serve as a basis for an in-depth analysis of metropolitan agriculture in the particular Latin American context.


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Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


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How to Cite

DASCAL, G. (1992). Metropolitan land use planning and metropolitan agriculture. Reflections applicable to the Latin American case. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (19), 89–95. Retrieved from


