Characterization of linear erosion in the coastal plains of coastal plains of Central Chile




Characterization of linear erosion in the coastal plains of Central Chile.

Some aspects related to the conditions which generate linear erosion processes in the coastal plains, their geomorphological characteristics, and their relation with man's activities, have been defined and discussed. The forms of erosionwhich have been isolated in this study are: rills,gulliesand bad-landswhich occurred in old stabilized dunes, and also in the superficially altered layers of crystalline rock formations. The mediterranean clima te of the area, with long dry period and winter period of concentrated rainfall, favours the erosive action of the rain. Diverse human activities, con tribu te to the initiation and acceleration of erosion processes. These activities include destruction of vegetation (overgrazing and trampling) and the construction ofroads and other infrastructure, in instable areas, In conclusion, the erosion processes in the coastal plains of Central Chile are a common phenomenon, due to: favorable natural conditions and distabilizing human activities.


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How to Cite

CASTRO AVARIA, C., & VICUÑA VICUÑA, P. (1990). Characterization of linear erosion in the coastal plains of coastal plains of Central Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (17), 37–45. Retrieved from


