Chilean Andes Glacier Inventory from 180 to 320 South Latitude


  • Carlos Garin Oyarzun Dirección General de Aguas. Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Santiago, Chile.


Glaciares, Geografía f´isica, cartografía, aerofotogrametría


This work was based in the UNESCO- TTS/WGI standard and was carried on with aerial photogrametric technichs and cartography. An inventory was made of 80 glaciers, 8 mountains covered permanently with snow, and one with semipermanent snow. The area is 148,78 km2, and the water volume in solid state is 10,32 km3, which represents a liquid equivalent of 8,63 km3. In this research the physical and geomorphological features of the masses of ice and snow aregiven for an area that is located between 180 and 320 south.


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How to Cite

Garin Oyarzun, C. (1987). Chilean Andes Glacier Inventory from 180 to 320 South Latitude. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (14), 35–48. Retrieved from


