Personality and Perception of Earthquakes in Alhué, Chile


  • PAUL SIMPSON-HOUSLEY Universidad de York
  • PATRICIO LARRAIN NAVARRO Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


personality of the individual, state of anguish, seismic events, perception


This paper assesses the influence of trait anxiety elevations on human response to earthquake hazard in Alhue, Chile. This settlement is very vulnerable to seismic hazard and suffered a majar earthquake disaster in March 3rd., 1985. Data were collected by personal interview from Alhue respondents in August 1985. This instruments consisted of a questionnaire designed to elicit subject's appraisal of earthquake hazard, and Spielberger's A Trait Anxiety measure. Result demostrated that high trait anxiety elevations were positively associated with anxiety resulting from earthquake prediction, and with anticipation of greater earthquake damage and disruption.


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Author Biography

PAUL SIMPSON-HOUSLEY, Universidad de York

Universidad de York, Taranta, Canadá


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How to Cite

SIMPSON-HOUSLEY, P., & LARRAIN NAVARRO, P. (1985). Personality and Perception of Earthquakes in Alhué, Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (12), 3–9. Retrieved from


